Ingredients for a dozen tartlets (generous). 2 onions, 2 to 3 tablespoons honey, a little pepper. Simply put all the ingredients in a pan and simmer on low heat. I have an induction plate and I leave ...

Onion confit with honey

Ingredients for a dozen tartlets (generous). 2 onions, 2 to 3 tablespoons honey, a little pepper.

Simply put all the ingredients in a pan and simmer over low heat. I have a plate induction and I leave on 4.It must leave well about 30 min. The onions should not grill but just lightly blond for this confire in the end.

Idea of ​​use: to accompany the foie gras, in a meat, a homemade hamburger (yes ... with roquefort cheese) ... in salad, in goat cheese tart. Etc etc

Honey onion jam