Ingredient for 6 people (12 vermin) Quantities are approximate depending on whether you want a lot of surimi or not. 12 sticks of surimi, 6 cases mayonnaise, as much beaten white cheese, pepper, garlic powder, chopped chives. I chose to...

Verrines surimi

Ingredient for 6 people (12 vermin)

The quantities are approximate according to whether you want much or no surimi.

12 sticks of surimi, 6 cases mayonnaise, as much white cheese, pepper, garlic powder, chopped chives. I chose not to salty.

Roughly cut the surimi and put it in a bowl. Separately, mix mayonnaise and cheese (jockey style), chopped chives, pepper and add the surimi. Mix. At the time of serving, pour the preparation, in the vermines. I am used of pocket with sleeve so that it is more clean to present.

 Verrines surimi